Alexandru Muşina (July 1, 1954 in Sibiu – June 19, 2013 in Bucharest) was a Romanian poet, essayist, novelist and editor born in Sibiu. He studied literature at the University of Bucharest in the late 1970s and published poetry in the 1980s beginning with the collective volume Cinci in 1982. He obtained a doctorate in literature from the University of Bucharest in 1996. His poem Budila-Express is considered one of the iconic poems of the 1980s generation. He was the author of the anthology Antologia poeziei generației '80 ("The Anthology of Poetry of the 1980s Generation", 1993) and editor of the publishing house Aula, based in Brașov, where he was professor at the Transilvania University. Among the last books published: the poetry volume Regele dimineții (The King of the Morning, 2009), the parodic novel Nepotul lui Dracula (Dracula's Nephew, 2012) and Teoria și practica literaturii (Theory and Practice of Literature, 2013), a book which was the result of the creative writing classes he had introduced at Transilvania University.