Romanian Literature Wiki
Romanian Literature Wiki
Popescu cristian

Cristian Popescu (1959–1995) was one of the most important Romanian poets of the 1990s generation. He has published only three books during his life, out of which Familia Popescu (Popescu Family) was published as a small-run brochure in the collection of the newspaper Convingeri comuniste, while Cuvânt înainte (Foreword) was mutilated by censorship and the 1994 volume Arta Popescu is also rare now. His manifesto articles were the ones that pushed forward the idea of the 1990s generation and his prose poetry (different from any other similar experiment from previous Romanian literature) carried on his influence among the writers of the 2000s generation, in spite of the rarity of his texts. Caiet de citire şi de caligrafie. Fragmente de jurnal (Reading and Caligraphy Notebook. Journal Fragments) was published in 2003 by Nicolae Tzone at Vinea. Director Gavriil Pinte arranged Cristian Popescu's poems in a play called Un tramvai numit Popescu (A Streetcar Named Popescu), printed in 2005 by Cartea Românească. An edition of the complete works still does not exist.