WRITER. Romanian Novelist
„The past is like a dog that never stops snapping at the seat of your breeches, while the present is a scruffy tyke that tricks you into taking it in your arms, making your forget the future, and as for the future, that, needless to say, is an Afghan hound. “ (Doina Ruști - Mâța Vinerii/The Book of Perilous Dishes)
Contemporary Romanian novelist, appreciated for epic force, for originality and erudition of her novels, Doina Ruști received all major Romanian awards, including the Ion Creangă Award of the Romanian Academy. She was translated into many languages (even in Chinese). Fantoma din moară (The Phantom in the Mill, 2008) is a novel in neo-Gothic style, a subtle parable of communism and Lizoanca (2009) is a novel with a social message and a strong story. Doina Ruști also wrote fantastic novels, with original themes and unique characters, such as Omulețul roșu (The Little Man, 2004), Zogru (2006). Cămașa în carouri și alte 10 întâmplări din București (Checkered shirt and 10 other events from Bucharest, 2010). Very well known is the Phanariot Trilogy - fantasy, history and a very good composition - composed of novels: Manuscrisul fanariot (The Phanariot Manuscript, 2015), Mâța Vinerii (The Book of Perilous Dishes, 2017) and Homeric (2019).
Good international reviews in: La Stampa, Stato Quotidiano, Il Venerdì di Repubblica. Il Libero, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Magyar Nemzet, La Opinion, Turia. Il Mercurio etc.
She also wrote the dialogues of “Le mircale de Tekir” (Best Swiss Film Award, Zurich, 2015) and others scripts for movie.
Literary prizes
The Prize of Romanian Academy (for Lizoanca)/ 2011;
The Writers’ Union of Romanian Prize for the novel The Ghost in the Mill, 2008;
The Writers’ Association of Bucharest Prize for the novel Zogru, 2007; etc.
Public lectures:
Beijing (2019), Goangzhou, Shenzhen (2018), Gavoi/Sardinia (2018), Santiago de Chile (2018), Istanbul (2015), Barcelona (2014), Budapesta (2007, 2014, 2015, 2018), Viena (2008), Plovdiv (2009), Torino (2009, 2011, 2012, 2013), Frankfurt (2009, 2018), Leipzig (2010, 2013, 2018), Moscova (2010), Roma (2011, 2012), Granada (2011), Dusseldorff (2013), Berlin (2013) .
1. Homeric, Polirom, 2019
2. Mâța Vinerii/The Book of Perilous Dishes, Polirom, 2017, 2018
- Orpheus Publishing , Budapest,2018
- Editura Klak, Berlin, 2018
- Esdrújula Ediciones, Granada, 2019
3. Logodnica/The Fiancée, Polirom, 2017, 2018
4. The Phanariot Manuscript, novel, Polirom Publishing, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Excerpts translated into Turkish, French, English, Italian
5. Mămica la două albăstrele/ The Adultery, Polirom Publishing, 2013
6. Patru bărbaţi plus Aurelius/ Four men plus Aurelius, Polirom, 2011
Excerpt - in French
7. Cămaşa în carouri şi alte 10 întâmplări din Bucureşti/ The checkered shirt and 10 other episodes from Bucharest, a puzzle, Polirom, 2010
- The Stockholm Review of Literature, 2017, Springer.
- Kareli gomlek ve Bukreș'teki Bașka On Hadise, Kalem Kultur Yaynlari, 2011, Istanbul
- Nagyvilag, sept 2010, Budapesta
- Le Bateau Fantôme, 8, 2009, Paris
- El fantasma de la glorieta, 16/2008, Madrid
8. Lizoanca la 11 ani /Lizoanca at the age of eleven/ Th Green Lizard Shadow, Trei, 2009, Polirom: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
- Horlemann Verlag, Berlin, 2013
- Rediviva Edizioni, Milano, 2013
- Ediciones Traspiés, Granada, 2014
- Orpheusz, Budapesta, 2015
- Antolog, Skopje, 2015.
9. Fantoma din moară/ The Ghost in the Mill, Polirom, 2008, 2017
Klak Verlag, Berlin, 2017
10. Zogru, Polirom, 2006, 2013, 2017, 2018
- Descontextos, Santiago de Chille, 2018
- Balkani Publisher, Sofia, 2008,
- Bonanno Editore, Roma, 2010,
- Sétatér Kulturális Egyesület, 2014
11. Omuleţul roşu/ The Little Red Man, Ed. Vremea, 2004, 2012
- Nikita Editore, Firenze, 2012
The Truancy, The Stockholm Review Literature, 2017 (trans James Ch Brown)
Cong Quanshan Dao Pingyuan, trans Siqi Zhu, De Li Zan, Beijing, 2019
The lover (trans Andrew Davidson), Trafika Europe, Penn State, University Libraries, nr 8, 2016
Apartamentul 26, trans. Oana Ursulesku, Koracic, Belgrad, 2013
Bill Clinton’s Hand, Bucharest Tales, New Europe Writers, 2011, (coord:A. Fincham, J. G Coon, John a’Beckett)
K a r e l i gomlek ve Bukreș'teki Bașka On Hadise, trans. Cristina Dincer, Kalem Kultur Yaynlari, Istanbul, 2011
I miei ginecologi, in Compagne di viaggio, Sandro Teti Editore, 2011 (trad Anita Bernacchia)
Ura pri univerzi, Zgodbe iz Romunije, Sodobnost International, Ljubljiana, 2011 9. Învingătorul - Nagyvilag (trad. Noémi László), Budapesta , sept/ 2010
Cristian (trad. în fr. Linda Maria Baros), Paris, rev Le Bateau Fantôme , no. 8, 2009, ed. Mathieu Hilfiger
Cristián (trad. Sebastián Teillier), Madrid, rev. El fantasma de la glorieta, nr. 16/2008,
in Romanian
Secretul (The Secret), Echinox, 2017
Visul spiridușului (The Leprechaun's Dream,) in Cel mai mult și mai mult, Art, 2017
Kant and Max, PEN95 România, 2017
Umbra perfidă a unei iubiri/The Insidious Shadow of Love, Apostrof, no. 8, 2016
Cream Truffles, România literară, nr. 31, 2015
Pădurea Râioasa/ The Raioasa Forest, Ramuri, nr 2, 2014
35 minutes after, România literară, 2014
The Visit (Vizita), România literară, no 8, 2013
The Black Fiat500, Viața românescă, no 9-10, 2013
The Prince Avolo (Prințul Avolo), Cui i-e frică de computer (coord Tina Sinmihăian, Liviu Papadima), Ed. Arthur, 2013
Trattoria Amore, Catchy, 30 aprilie, 2012
In the mall (Cinematograful din mall), România literară, no 7, 2012
Amantul, România literară, no 29, 2011
How started the Cici Bezergheanu’s Indifference (Cum a început blazarea lui Cici Bezergheanu), Bucureștiul Cultural, no. 107, 19 iulie, 2011
Provincial Store (Magazin provincial), Obiectiv Cultural, 2011
The red whistle (Fluierul roșu), rev Timpul, March, 2011 etc
The Topaz earrings, (Cerceii cu topaze), in Bucureștii Vechi și Noi, Ed. Subiectiv, 2011 (coodr. Andrei Slăvuțeanu)
The secret of big houses, (Secretul caselor mari), Revista de suspans, no 17, 2011
The DNA crypts, (Criptele ADN-ului), Ziarul financiar, June 15, 2012
Apartamentul 26, Timpul, no 3, 2011
The long wait of Mrs. Glodeanu (Mult așteptatul ceas al D-nei Glodeanu), revista 22, Bucureștiul Cultural, no. 103, 2010
Mâna lui Bill Clinton, revista 22, Bucureștiul cultural, no 95, 2010
My gynecologists (Ginecologii mei), in Tovarășe de drum (coord Dan Lungu, Radu Pavel Geo), Polirom, 2010
The afternoon of a murderer manaph (Amiaza unui manf ucigaș), România literară, no 25/2010
The elf in Batiste Street (Spiridușul de pe strada Batiște), Luceafărul de dimineață, no, 1-2, 2010
The Wigs Shop (Prăvălia de peruci), România literară, no. 52, 2009 etc.
Devil in love (Diavolul îndrăgostit), Revista la plic no. 4/2010
Four people chattering (O crimă și patru oameni care trăncănesc),1991, Hyperion, 1-3, 2009
Cristian, România literară, no 17/2007
Easter Story (Poveste de Paște), România literară, no. 15/2009 & Cămașa în carouri, Polirom, 2010
Învingatorul - Convorbiri literare, March, 2009
Asphalt Cherries (Cireșele din asfalt), Ed. Limes, 2008 (coordonator Mircea Petean) - antologia USR
SIGCHLD, fork() and sleep() România literară, no. 29, July 25, 2008
My uncle, the postman(Unchiul meu, poștașul), Mozaicul, no. 4/2008
The Padlock and the Key (Lacătul și cheia), România literară, 45/2008
European Union (Uniune europeană), România literară, 48/2007, Art,
Next to the Church of St Silvestr (Lângă Biserica Sf. Silvestru), Convorbiri literare, November, 2006
Tits (Țâțe), Povești erotice românești (vol. colectiv), Ed. Trei, 2007
Fairy tales
Basme şi povestiri mistice româneşti, repovestite, Ed. Paralela 45, 2007
Dictionary of themes and symbols from Romanian literature , Univers Enciclopedic, 2002; Polirom, 2009 Cantemirian bestiary, Ed, Universitas XXI, 2007. Universal Literature, Ed. Paralela 45, 2007. Romanian writers, Ed. Niculescu, 2nd ed., 2007 s.a.. Encyclopedia of Humanist Culture, 2004, Ed. Paralela 45, 2006,. The subliminal message, Tritonic, 2005. Dictionary of symbols from the work of Mircea Eliade, ed. III, Corint, 1997, 1998, revised and added, Vremea, 2004, Tritonic, 2005. Cultural Press, PRO Foundation Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002,
1. Director:
The Soldier’s Book, documentary, co-director, writer, 2018, independent
- Festival de Largo y Cortos de Santiago
Umbra perfidă a unei iubiri (The insidious shadow of love), SM, fiction
- Ascona Film Festival, 2017
- Festival Dona i Cinema – Mujer y Cine – Woman & Film, Spania, 2017
- Cinefest, Los Angeles, 2017
- Golden Bridge International Film Festival, Moscova, 2017
Cristian (written&directed by Doina Rusti), SM, fiction, 2015.
- Goa Festival;
- CineFest, Los Angeles;
- Corner Cannes;
- Independent Film Festival and Windsor Festival;
- Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest, 2015
- Award for Best Foreign Film - Christian Film Festival, Florida
Treasure naive (dir. Copel Moscu), documentary, financed by the CNC 2018
Nuns witch (directed byMarius Barna), L documentary, docudrama, CNC project financing. 2018
The Sun Dance (directed by Cornel Gheorghita), documentary, L, financed by CNC, 2017
2015. Cream truffles, LM, fiction, Libra Film (Tudor Giurgiu) project funded CNC. Developing.
35 minutes after (directed Cristi Toporan), fiction, Short.
2014. Th Scam, directed by Cristian Panaitescu independently , fiction, short.
2013. Apartment 26, indep. (Directed by Alexandra Băilă), fiction, short.
2015. Servant Greek project ORW, in work
Dialogues and adaptation
2015. Miracle at Tekir (directed by Ruxandra Zenide), Elephant Film, Zurich - LM, fiction, Award best picture Swiss, Zurich, 2015:
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6931618/
"Full of humor in some sequences, in other tragic and ferocious, sometimes fantastic and luminous, like a Chagall painting, which is predominant in this wonderful story [ "Zogru"] is the figure of the terrible loneliness in which lies the human spirit ".
Pedro Gandolfo, El Mercurio, Santiago de Chille, August 19, 2018
„The Phantom is the narrative catalyst that makes secret forces manifest, especially those of a sexual nature, being also the most visible, single faith, dissolved in the last part of the novel (the novel "The Ghost in the Mill”)."
Markus Bauer, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zürich, 2018
“Mâța Vinerii” - “a stylistic jubilation, a vital literature, such as Suskind's Perfume to a point, and Evgheni Vodolazkin's Laur, from another point on”.
Dan C Mihăilescu
The novel “Eliza a los once años” by Doina Ruști has exceptional literary qualities
Antonio J. Ubero, La Opinion, Murcia, Spanish, 2015
Lizoanca - “The great novel like Camus's The Plague”.
Gianluca Veneziani, Libero Quotidiano, Italy
„Lizoanca is a groundbreaking book written in a style refined and nuanced."
Martina Freier
"Even the Smallest Detail of the novel is veridical"
Magyar Nemzet, Budapest, 2015
“Eliza a los once años” - a wonderful story, impeccably written.
Miguel Baquero
Doina Rusti is an excellent prose writer, of great talent and intuition;
Norman Manea
As regards the literary value of the novel Lizoanca at the age of eleven, I think it is one of the most outstanding in current literature. The narrative intelligence, the fluidity of action, the invariably astonishing eloquence of the text, the shortness, the characters'pithiness, the accuracy of gestures, highly defining within a scene (approached shortly and directly, no introductions, sometimes hardly drafted auctorial reflections) and the way each short chapter enters into the whole - are hall-marks of a great novelist.
Gelu Ionescu, Apostrof, 2010.
"In my opinion, the confidence, the artistry of portrayal, the exact and original description of the environment, the quest for a subtle epic crescendo, the illusion of stagnation make Doina Ruşti a first class prose writer in current literature.’"
( Nicolae Breban, when granting the Award of Romanian Academy, 2011)
“L’omino roso” - Un’ironica e seducente storia,.” (Giuseppe Ortolano – Il Venerdì di Repubblica, Roma, 23 marzo, 2012, nr 1253)
“L’omino roso” - Stupefacente è il fuocco di fila di trovate di espressioni pungenti e fulminanti que l'autrice escogita per descrivere situazioni e stati d'animo della sua protagonista. (Alessandra Iadicicco. La Stampa, Roma, nr 1815, 12 mai, 2012)
"Fa il verso ai noir fantastici la brava scrittrice rumena Doina Rusti, che ha dato alle stampe Lisoanca , storia di un’undicenne checontagia con la sua sifilide un intero villaggio, mietendo vittime anchetra le coetanee, salvopoirivelarsi una creatura immaginaria venuta da un altro mondo. Il libro si ispira anche ai grandi romanzi «sanitari», come La peste di Camus, dove il crimine attecchisce più facilmente in un contesto di malattia diffusa. questi sono certamente i modelli." (Gianluca Veneziani, Il Libero, Torino, 18 05, 2013)
Pero Doina Rusti, con un pausado desarrollo de la historia (Lizoanca), prolonga ese dolor y ese horror hasta límites insospechados y, sobre todo, pone rostro a las causas del mismo. (Ramón Acín, TURIA, Spanish, N.° 115. 2015)