Romanian Literature Wiki
Romanian Literature Wiki
Gellu Naum

Gellu Naum (August 1, 1915 – September 29, 2001) was a prominent Romanian poet, dramatist, novelist, children's writer, and translator. He is remembered as the founder of the Romanian Surrealist group . The artist Lyggia Naum, his wife, was the inspiration and main character in his 1985 novel Zenobia. In recent years he has been held in high esteem by literary critics, having been featured in a 2004 poll by literary magazine România literară, Top 10 Romanian Poets.[1]


  • Drumeţul incendiar ("The Incendiary Traveler"; poems, illustrated by Victor Brauner), Bucharest, 1936
  • Vasco de Gama, (poem, illustrated by Jacques Hérold), Bucharest, 1940
  • Culoarul somnului, ("The Corridor of Sleep"; poems, illustrated by Victor Brauner), Bucharest, 1944
  • Medium (prose), Bucharest, 1945
  • Critica mizeriei ("Critique of Misery"; manifesto, co-written with Paul Păun and Virgil Teodorescu), Bucharest, 1945
  • Teribilul interzis ("The Terrible Forbidden"; drama, illustrated by Paul Păun), Bucharest, 1945
  • Spectrul longevităţii: 122 de cadavre ("The Specter of Longevity: 122 corpses"; poems, co-written with Virgil Teodorescu), Bucharest, 1946
  • Castelul Orbilor ("Castle of the Blind"; prose), Bucharest, 1946
  • L'infra-noir ("Infra-Black"; manifesto, co-written with Gherasim Luca, Paul Păun, Virgil Teodorescu, and Dolfi Trost), Bucharest, 1947
  • Éloge de Malombra - Cerne de l'amour absolu ("Malombra's Eulogy - Black Circle of Absolute Love"; manifesto, co-written with Gherasim Luca, Paul Păun, and Dolfi Trost), Bucharest, 1947
  • Filonul, Bucharest, 1952 ("The Vein"; prose)

  • Tabăra din munţi, Bucharest, 1953 ("The Camp in the Mountains"; prose)
  • Aşa-i Sanda, Bucharest, 1956 ("So Is Sanda"; poems for children)
  • Cel mai mare Gulliver, Bucharest, 1958 ("The Biggest Gulliver"; poems for children, illustrated by Jules Perahim)
  • Cartea cu Apolodor, Bucharest, 1959 ("The Book With Apolodor"; poems for children, illustrated by Jules Perahim)
  • Poem despre tinereţea noastră, Bucharest, 1960 ("Poem About Our Youth"; poems, illustrated by Jules Perahim)

  • Soarele calm, Bucharest, 1961 ("The Calm Sun"; poems, illustrated by Jules Perahim)
  • A doua carte cu Apolodor, Bucharest, 1964 ("The Second Book With Apolodor"; poems for children, illustrated by Jules Perahim)
  • Athanor (poems), Bucharest, 1968
  • Poeme alese ("Selected Poems"; poems), Bucharest, 1970 (edition in the Cele mai frumoase poezii ("The Most Beautiful Poems") collection)
  • Poetizaţi, poetizaţi... ("Poeticize, Poeticize..."; prose), Bucharest, 1970
  • Copacul-animal ("The Animal-Tree"; poems), Bucharest, 1971
  • Tatăl meu obosit ("My Tired Father"; poems), Bucharest, 1972
  • Poeme alese ("Selected Poems"; poems), Bucharest, 1974
  • Cărţile cu Apolodor ("The Apolodor Books", poems for children), Bucharest, 1975
  • Descrierea turnului ("Description of the Tower"; poems), Bucharest, 1975
  • Insula. Ceasornicăria Taus. Poate Eleonora ("The Island. The Taus Clockmakers. Eleonora, Perhaps"; drama), Bucharest, 1979
  • Partea cealaltă ("The Other Side"; poems), Bucharest, 1980
  • Zenobia (novel), Bucharest, 1985
  • Amedeu, cel mai cumsecade leu, Bucharest, 1988 ("Amedeu, The Most Honest Lion"; poems for children, illustrated by N. Nobilescu)
  • Apolodor, un mic pinguin călător, Bucharest, 1988 ("Apolodor, A Small Travelling Penguin"; poems for children, illustrated by N. Nobilescu)
  • Malul albastru ("The Blue Shore; poems), Bucharest, 1990
  • Faţa şi suprafaţa, urmat de Malul albastru ("Face and Surface, followed by The Blue Shore", poems), Bucharest, 1994
  • Focul negru ("Black Fire"; poems), Bucharest, 1995
  • Sora fântână ("Sister Fountain"; poems), Bucharest, 1995
  • Întrebătorul ("The Inquirer"; prose), Bucharest, 1996
  • Copacul-animal, urmat de Avantajul vertebrelor ("The Animal-Tree, followed by The Advantage of Vertebrae"), Cluj-Napoca, 2000
  • Ascet la baraca de tir ("Recluse in the Firing Range Shack"; poems), Bucharest, 2000
  • Calea şearpelui ("The Way of the Snake"), Bucharest, 2002 (posthumous)
  • Exact în același timp ("Exactly in the Same Time"; drama), 2003 (posthumous)
  • Despre identic și felurit ("About the Identical and the Different"), Iași, 2004 (posthumous anthology, edition by Simona Popescu)
  • Exactitatea umbrei ("The Precision of the Shadow"), Pitești, 2011 (posthumous anthology)
  • Opere I: Poezii ("Oeuvre I: Poetry"), Iași, 2011 (edition by Simona Popescu)
  • Opere II: Proză ("Oeuvre II: Prose"), Iași, 2012 (edition by Simona Popescu)
