Horia Stamatu (b. 9 September 1912, Vălenii de Munte - d. 7 July 1989, Freiburg im Breisgau) was a Romanian poet, journalist and essayist associated with modernism. He is especially known for his debut volume, Memnon (1934), which, under the influence of Laforgue and Jean Cocteau, continued the highly ironic postsymbolism of Adrian Maniu and Tristan Tzara. Due to his right-wing convinctions, after WWII he spend all his life in exile. His later poems are often with religious theme, but still present an eccentric modernist style combined with purism. Poems from Memnon were published by Nicolae Manolescu in his anthology Poezia modernă română; it is said that Eugen Jebeleanu complained to Ceaușescu that his poems are not in the anthology, but instead a "green" writer like Stamatu is in - the reason why the anthology was removed from libraries and melt. These early poems were also published by Marin Mincu in Poezia română din secolul XX.