Romanian Literature Wiki
Romanian Literature Wiki
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Marin Mincu (b. 28 August 1944, Slatina - d. 4 December 2009, Bucharest) was a Romanian literary critic, semiotician, historian, poet, novelist, essayist, translator and editor. He was professor at 3 Italian universities (Turin, Milan, Firenze) and at 2 Romanian universities (Bucharest, Constantza). During his Italian years, he was friends with famous semioticians such as Umberto Eco, who was later translated by Marin Mincu and Ștefania Mincu. He has introduced the terms "textualism" and "authenticism" and has written about and actively promoted the poets of the 1980's generation, of the 1990's generation and especially of the 2000's generation, who were published in thick anthologies such as Poezia română actuală (Romanian Poetry Now), Generația 2000, O panoramă critică a poeziei românești din secolul al XX-lea (A Critic Panorama of 20th Century Romanian Poetry) etc. He has also written several novels (the Intermezzo cycle and the Italian-award-winning Jurnalul lui Dracula (Il Diario Di Dracula)), more than a dozen volumes of poetry and several other volumes of literary theory, essays and others. He was an active translator (in both Italian and Romanian) and the editor of the publishing house Pontica.