Mircea Ivănescu (March 26, 1931 - July 21, 2011) was a Romanian poet, writer and translator, forerunner of Romanian postmodernism and of the '80s generation . His translations from universal literature into Romanian include James Joyce, Franz Kafka, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Prolific poet, debuting with Versuri (Lines) in 1968, Ivănescu has published almost every two years a new volume during four decades. His lyrics, often depicting a day-to-day I disguised as "mopete" (an anagram of "poet" and "poem" it was thought, but the poet himself denied it recently in an interview), has rehabilitated narativity in Romanian poetry in the seventies, echoing American post-war major poets. He won the Mihai Eminescu Poetry Prize (1998) and was proposed by Romanian Professional Writers Association for Nobel Prize in 1999.
Books (incomplete list)[]
- Versuri ("Stanzas", EPL, 1968)
- Poeme ("Poems", Eminescu, 1970)
- Poesii ("Poems", Cartea Românească, 1970)
- Alte versuri ("Other Stanzas", Eminescu, 1972)
- Poem (Cartea Românească, 1973)
- Alte poeme ("Other Poems", Albatros, 1973)
- Amintiri ("Memories", co-written with Leonid Dimov and illustrated by Florin Pucă, Cartea Românească, 1973)
- Alte poesii ("Other Poems", Dacia, 1976)
- Poesii nouă ("New Poems", Dacia, 1982)
- Poeme nouă ("New Poems", Cartea Românească, 1983)
- Alte poeme nouă ("Other New Poems", Cartea Românească 1986)
- Versuri vechi, nouă ("Old, New Stanzas", Eminescu, 1988)
- Poeme alese (1966–1989) ("Selected Poems")
- Poeme vechi, nouă ("Old, New Poems", Cartea Românească, 1989)
- Versuri ("Stanzas", Eminescu, Poeți români contemporani Collection, 1996)
- Poezii ("Poems", anthology, Vitruviu, 1997)
- Poesii vechi şi nouă ("Old, New Poems", anthology, Minerva, 1999)
- Aceleași versuri ("The same stanzas", Dacia, 2002)
- versuri poesii poeme altele aceleași vechi nouă ("stanzas poems others the same old new", anthology, Polirom, 2003)
- Poesii alese, 2008
- Versuri alese ("Selected Stanzas", anthology, Paralela 45, 2011)
- cele mai frumoase poezii ("the most beautiful poems", anthology by Gabriel Liiceanu, Humanitas, 2012)