Nichita Stănescu (Romanian pronunciation: [niˈkita stəˈnesku]; born Nichita Hristea Stănescu) (March 31, 1933 in Ploieşti – December 13, 1983 in Bucharest) was a Romanian poet and essayist. He was the most critically acclaimed and popular poet of the 1960s generation. He received Herder Prize (1975) and was rumoured to have received a Nobel Prize nomination.
- Sensul iubirii ("The Meaning of Love"), 1960
- O viziune a sentimentelor ("A Vision of Feelings"), 1964
- Dreptul la timp ("The Right to Time"), 1965
- 11 elegii ("11 Elegies"), 1966
- Roşu vertical ("Vertical Red"), 1967
- Alfa, 1967
- Oul şi sfera ("The Egg and the Sphere"), 1967
- Laus Ptolemaei, 1968
- Necuvintele ("The Unwords"), 1969
- Un pământ numit România ("A Land Called Romania"), 1969
- În dulcele stil classic ("In The Sweet Classical Style"), 1970
- Cartea de recitire ("The Re-reading Book"), 1972
- Belgradul în cinci prieteni ("Five Friends in Belgrade"), 1972
- Măreţia frigului ("The Greatness of Cold"), 1972
- Starea poeziei ("The State of Poetry", anthology), 1975
- Epica Magna, 1978
- Opere imperfecte ("Imperfect Works"), 1979
- Carte de citire, carte de iubire ("Book for Reading, Book for Loving", co-written with Gheorghe Tomozei), 1980
- Noduri şi semne ("Knots and Marks"), 1982
- Respirări ("Breaths", essays), 1982
- Oase plângând ("Crying Bones"), 1982
Posthumous volumes[]
- Album memorial ("Memorial Album"), 1984
- Antimetafizica - Nichita Stănescu însoţit de Aurelian Titu Dumitrescu ("Antimetaphysics - Nichita Stănescu accompanied by Aurelian Titu Dumitrescu"), 1985
- Nichita Stănescu - Frumos ca umbra unei idei ("Nichita Stănescu - Beautiful as the Shadow of an Idea"), 1985
- Amintiri din prezent ("Memories From the Present"), 1985
- Fiziologia poeziei ("The Physiology of Poetry"), 1990
- Argotice. Cântece la drumul mare, 1955-1960 ("Songs on the Open Road, 1955-1960"), 1993
- Tânjiri spre firesc ("Longings toward the Usual"), 1993
- Cărţile sibiline ("The Sibylline Books"), 1995
- Fel de scriere ("A Kind of Writing"), 1998
- Opera poetică ("Poetic Works"), 1999
- Cartea vorbită 1964-1983 ("Spoken Book 1964-1983"), 2006
- Albastru de Prusia. Despre scriitori și literatură (Prussian Blue. About Writers and Literature), 2010