Petre Stoica (b. 15 February 1931, Peciu Nou, Timiș - d. 21 March 2009, Jimbolia, Timiș) was a Romanian poet, translator, essayist, newspaper and book collector. Associated with the circle around Steaua and the 1960's generation, he contributed in the late 1950's and the early 1960's to the return of lyrical poetry. As early as the late 1960's he developed his signature style, a simple, non-metaphysical style with ocassional influences from traditionalism, Romanian avant-garde and aesthetic oneirism. His poetry (rooted in the traditions of interwar Romanian poetry, but nevertheless original) was somewhat marginal in the years when the metaphorical poetry of Nichita Stănescu was the dominant trend, but has received positive reactions from poets of the 1980's generation (Traian T. Coșovei) and even of the 2000's generation[1]. Marin Mincu considers him, alongside Mircea Ivănescu and A.E. Baconsky, one of the most influential early poets of the banal.
- Poeme (Poems), 1957
- Pietre kilometrice (Milestones), 1963
- Miracole (Miracles), 1966
- Alte poeme (Other Poems), 1968
- Arheologie blândă (Kind Archaeology), 1968, 2011
- Melancolii inocente (Innocent Melancholy), 1969
- O casetă cu şerpi (Snake Box), 1970
- Orologiu (Clock), 1970
- Bunica se aşază în fotoliu (The Grandmother Sits on the Chair), 1971
- Sufletul obiectelor (The Soul of Objects), 1972
- Trecătorul de demult (Old Pedestrian), 1975
- Iepuri şi anotimpuri (Rabbits and Seasons), 1976
- O nuntă de cenușă (Ash Wedding), 1977
- Un potop de simpatii (A Rain of Sympathy), 1978
- Copleşit de glorie (Glory Stricken), 1980
- Prognoza meteorologică (Weather Report), 1981
- Amintirile unui fost corector (Memories of a Former Proofreader), 1982
- Întrebare retorică (Rhetorical Question), 1983
- Caligrafii şi culori (Caligraphies and Colors), 1984
- Numai dulceaţa porumbelor (Only The Sweetness of Maize), 1985
- Suvenir (Souvenir), 1986
- Viaţa mea la ţară (My Life at the Countryside), 1988
- Tango şi alte poeme (Tango and Other Poems), 1989
- Piaţa Tien An Men II. Antilirice (Tian An Men II Square. Antilyrical Poems), 1990
- Visul vine pe scara de serviciu (The Dream Comes on the Service Stairs), 1991
- Fabule şi epigrame (Fables and Epigrammes), 1995
- Manevre de toamnă (Autumn Maneuvers), 1996
- Marea pururi marea (The Sea Always The Sea), 1996
- Zicale şi reflecţii actuale (Present-Day Adages and Thoughts), 1996
- Uitat printre lucruri uitate (Forgotten Among Forgotten Things), 1997
- Însemnările cultivatorului de mărar (The Annotations of the Dill Grower), 1998
- Şambelan la curtea coniacului (Chamberlain at the Court of Cognac), 1999
- La scufundarea vasului Titanic (At the Dip of the Titanic), I-II, 1999-2000
- Insomniile bătrânului (The Wakes of the Elder Man), 2000
- Vizita maestrului de vânatoare (The Visit of the Hunting Master), 2002
- Veşnic absentă veşnic prezentă (Always Absent Always Present), 2002
- Carnavalul prenocturn (Prenocturn Carnival), 2004
- Pipa lui Magritte (Magritte's Pipe), 2005
- Ultimul spectacol - 101 poeme (The Last Spectacle - 101 Poems), 2007
- Polifonia nopții (The Polyphony of the Night), 2011