Romanian Literature Wiki
Romanian Literature Wiki

Virgil Mazilescu - front cover of Complete Works, 2003 (photo by un cristian)

Virgil Mazilescu (b. 11 April 1942, Corabia, Olt - d. 10 August 1984, Bucharest) was a Romanian poet, essayist and translator. His first poems were published in 1966 in Povestea vorbii, the revue lead by Miron Radu Paraschivescu. First published book was Versuri (Lines) from 1968, followed by a 1970 volume that was issued in less than 1,000 copies (an extremely low number of copies for that time), Fragmente din regiunea de odinioară (Fragments from the Old Area). Associated with aesthetic oneirism, he was initially dismissed by critics as a "receipt-book Surrealist"[1], but gained cult following in the literary underground of the 1970s and 1980s. He was a notorious drinker and chess player. He frequented the same restaurant as the 1960s generation mainstream icon, Nichita Stănescu, but at a different table, alongside his friends from the oneirist group and admirers such as Șerban Foarță and Nichita Danilov, who mention that the poet used to read aloud his poems to anyone that got near his table and that he used to write and rewrite a given poem for months if not for years on end[2] (indeed, the poems retained in the 1978 anthology contain many differences from the previously published versions). After his death, Mazilescu's reputation has been established as that of one of the most influential if not significant Romanian poets of the post-war period. His entire oeuvre, spanning four volumes of poetry, literary essays and journal pages, was published in a 300-page tome in 2003.

  1. Virgil Mazilescu, va fi liniște va fi seară, 1979, see postface by Eugen Negrici


  • Versuri (Stanzas), 1968
  • Fragmente din regiunea de odinioară (Fragments from the Old Area), 1970
  • va fi liniște va fi seară (it will be quiet it will be eve), 1979 (semi-anthology, Hyperion collection)
  • Guillaume poetul și administratorul (Guillaume the poet and administrator), 1983

Posthumous editions[]

  • Asketische Zeichen. Gedischte, 1988 (translations in German by Rolf-Frieder Marmont)
  • Întoarcerea lui Immanuel (Immanuel's Return), 1991 (Cele mai frumoase poezii collection)
  • Poezii (Poems), 1996 (Colecția de poezie românească)
  • Opere complete (Complete Works), 2003 (edition by Alexandru Condeescu)
  • Opera poetică (Poetic Works), 2013 (edition by Gabriel Nedelea)
